80416 | Baltic Dry Indekset er faldet 15 dage i træk | 26/12 2019 10:19 | Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør | 4 |
Baltic Dry Index, aom ofte regnes for en "leading economic indicator", er faldet 15 dage i træk til 1.090 point. Baltic Dry-indekset udarbejdes af London-baserede Baltic Exchange og dækker priserne for at få fragtet last som kul, korn og jernmalm. Indekset er baseret på en daglig rundspørge til mæ |
76503 | Et kig på Tørlast og Baltic Dry Index | 16/11 2018 18:14 | Hans-Henrik Nielsen | 1 |
Så er der tørlast på skemaet. Jeg kigger på DS Norden, Golden Ocean og Jinhui og vurderer om der er noget positivt i udsigt. Vi tager også et smut omkring Baltic Dry Index og ser på, om der er nogen sammenhæng mellem dette indeks og udviklingen i tørlastrederierne. ps. beklager støjen af et par d |
70269 | Golden Ocean - Q3/14 Results | 21/11 2014 10:08 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:03 CET 21-11-2014 /GlobeNewswire /Source: Golden Ocean Group / : GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Third Quarter and Interim Nine Months 2014 Results Highlights · Golden Ocean generates third quarter 2014 EBITDA* of $7.2 million · Golden Ocean reports loss of $11.6 million for th |
69880 | GOGL+ VLCCF agree to merge | 7/10 2014 22:42 | fcras | 1 |
GOGL+ VLCCF agree to merge Published: 23:45 CEST 07-10-2014 /GlobeNewswire /Source: Golden Ocean Group / : GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Golden Ocean Group Limited and Knightsbridge Shipping Limited agree to merge - more here: GOGL http://www.goldenocean.no/?view=hugin_feed&menu=21&fe.. |
69690 | GOGL - Second Quarter and First Half Year 2014 Results | 27/8 2014 12:06 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 07:46 CEST 27-08-2014 /GlobeNewswire /Source: Golden Ocean Group / : GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Second Quarter and First Half Year 2014 Results Highlights ·Golden Ocean generates second quarter 2014 EBITDA* of $23.2 million ·Golden Ocean reports profit of $1.0 million for the s |
69632 | Rebound i Capesize-rater? | 14/8 2014 12:25 | BENTBOSS | 5 |
De seneste dages store stigninger i BDI-Cape, kunne indikere at der er sket en vending. I tørlast har jeg for 14 dage siden satset på John Frederiksen-aktien: Golden Ocean, naturligvis med baggrund i flådens sammensætning. Der kunne naturligvis også købes Norden og/eller Jinhui,satser dog på GOGL. |
66549 | Tørlast / Platou ser Capesize-ratevækst aftage | 25/9 2013 10:47 | fcras | 0 |
Den 25/09 2013 kl. 11:53, af Aktiefokus Det norske finanshus RS Platou vurderer, at væksten i Capesize-raterne vil aftage grundet øget efterspørgsel efter de mindre Panamax-skibe. Det skriver Bloomberg News, idet der henvises til tirsdagens ratestigning på 6,1 pct. til 12.845 dollar per dag for P |
59284 | GOGL - Amendments to Shipbuilding Contracts | 20/7 2012 07:08 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:16 CEST 20-07-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Amendments to Shipbuilding Contracts Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has come to an agreement with Zhoushan Jinhaiw |
58326 | BDI - Smaller vessels drive Baltic index up | 15/6 2012 05:36 | fcras | 0 |
Friday, 15 June 2012 ' 00:00 The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index, tracking rates for ships carrying dry commodities, rose for a fifth straight session on Thursday as a spurt in Atlantic activity boosted rates for smaller vessels. The overall index, a gauge of the cost of shipping co |
58217 | Capesize rater helt i bund | 13/6 2012 06:36 | fcras | 1 |
Onsdag 13. juni 2012 kl: 07:42 Store lagre af jernmalm og kul i Kina, og lav økonomisk vækst i Europa, er de væsentligste årsager til, at ledig Capesize tonnage i øjeblikket hober sig op i såvel Stillehavet som Atlanterhavet. Fredag nåede den gennemsnitlige spotraten ned på 4.255 dollar pr. dag - |
57798 | SFL - Sale of vessel / Press release from Ship Finance | 4/6 2012 13:44 | fcras | 1 |
SFL - Sale of vessel and charter termination compensation from Frontline Press release from Ship Finance International Limited, June 4, 2012 Ship Finance International Limited (NYSE:SFL) ("Ship Finance" or the "Company"), today announced that it has agreed to sell the 20-year old combina |
57544 | Golden Ocean Q1/12 Report | 30/5 2012 09:12 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 07:54 CEST 30-05-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Interim First Quarter 2012 Results Highlights ·Golden Ocean reports profit of $13.0 million for the first quarter of 2012 ·The Company took delivery of Golden |
56742 | Kinesiske redere vil skære i skibe | 10/5 2012 10:23 | fcras | 1 |
Torsdag 10. maj 2012 kl: 10:21 KORT NYT: Den kinesiske rederiforening - Chinese Shipowners' Association - kræver nu, at mineselskabet Vale skal nedbringe størrelsen af deres Chinamax bulkcarriers fra 400.000 DWT til max. 350.000 DWT, hvis de vil have adgang til kinesiske havne. De kinesiske redere |
56683 | Frederiksen vil købe flere MR-tankskibe | 9/5 2012 05:21 | fcras | 0 |
Tirsdag 8. maj 2012 kl: 13:03 Den norske shippingmilliardær John Frederiksen, der kontrollerer store rederier som Frontline, Seadrill, Golar LNG og Golden Ocean, fortsætter med at sejle mod strømmen. I inderlommen har han en lang indkøbsliste der både rummer tankskibe og bulkcarriers. Frederiksen |
55684 | BULK - South Africa coal exports continue to rise | 17/4 2012 12:18 | fcras | 0 |
SA coal exports continue to rise Tuesday, 17 April 2012 ' 14:30 South Africa exported 6.24Mt of coal from the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) in March this year ‒ a slight increase from the 6.09Mt exported in the previous month, according to data released here. Reuters quotes RBCT as sa |
55456 | BULK - Fixtures 13.04.2012/ Usd 17.000 + Ballast Bonus | 13/4 2012 08:24 | fcras | 0 |
Ifølge RS Platou,Oslo 13.04.2012 17 Fixtures for Kamsarmax - Panamax - Supramax bulkere 8 fixtures er sluttet på USD |
55312 | BULK - Carrier scrapping hits record: Q1 | 10/4 2012 08:45 | fcras | 0 |
BC scrapping hits record: Q1 Author: 2012-04-10 08:57:46 A record 139 bulk carriers were sold for breaking in the first three months of this year, representing the largest quarterly number ever reported by Clarkson Research Services. Panamax and handymax scrap sales set new records in the firs |
55219 | BULK - Vale Ore Ship Plunges 36% in Value | 5/4 2012 10:28 | fcras | 3 |
Vale Ore Ship Plunges 36% in Value Before Loading First Cargo Thursday, 05 April 2012 ' 00:00 A giant iron-or |
55120 | FRO/GOGL - Analysesjef tror dette blir børsvinnerne | 2/4 2012 07:25 | fcras | 0 |
FRO/GOGL__Analysesjef tror dette blir børsvinnerne__ Artikkel av: Redaksjonen (Hegnar.no - 02.4.12 06:53 Analysesjef tror dette blir børsvinnerne Analysesjef i Nordic Securities har spesielt god tro på én sektor på Oslo Børs. Analysesjef i Nordic Securities, Morten Solheim, forventer at ship |
55072 | Golden Ocean - Financial Statements for the year 2011 | 30/3 2012 23:39 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 20:28 CEST 30-03-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 Golden Ocean Group Limited announces the filing of its Consolidated Financial Statements for the year end |
54909 | Dry bulk market keep rising | 27/3 2012 09:11 | fcras | 0 |
Dry bulk market keep rising following the same trend of last week Tuesday, 27 March 2012 ' 00:00 The dry bulk market kept its upward momentum this week, on the same reasons of those last week. That is, the smaller ship types are still on the rise, while the larger Capesizes still seem to suffer |
54887 | BULK - Russia's Grain Shipments Seen Exceeding 27 Million T | 26/3 2012 14:29 | fcras | 1 |
Russia's Grain Shipments Seen Exceeding 27 Million Tons Monday, 26 March 2012 ' 16:30 Russia's grain exports may exceed the government's forecast of 27 million metric tons in the marketing year that will end on June 30, SovEcon said. Traders may export 1.8 million tons of grains this month, up |
54818 | Baltic sea index rises, smaller vessels firm | 24/3 2012 10:40 | fcras | 0 |
Saturday, 24 March 2012 ' 00:00 The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index, which tracks rates for ships carrying dry commodities, rose further on Friday as three-year low rates in the capesize market were countered by higher rates for smaller vessels. The main index, which reflects the daily |
54728 | BULK - Australia iron ore exports to rise | 22/3 2012 06:40 | fcras | 0 |
Thursday, 22 March 2012 ' 00:00 Australian iron ore exports will rise by more than 50 percent by 2016/17 compared with last year, government data released on Wednesday showed, anticipating still strong demand from Chinese steel mills, the biggest buyers. Exports will rise by an annual rate of |
54727 | SHIPPING -Tonnage in for a Scrap | 22/3 2012 06:09 | fcras | 1 |
Thursday, 22 March 2012 ' 00:00 Source: Clarksons The amount of tonnage sent for demolition in 2011, 41.2m dwt, was the highest on record. However, this total is projected to be surpassed in 2012. This months Shipbuilding Focus looks at why the demolition market is set to experience a second c |
54370 | GOGL - Sale of common shares in Knightsbridge Tankers Limite | 14/3 2012 07:13 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:03 CET 14-03-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Sale of common shares in Knightsbridge Tankers Limited FOR RELEASE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES ONLY Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is offering to |
54367 | BULK - Fortescue vil rejse 1 mia. dollar til udvidelse | 14/3 2012 06:54 | fcras | 2 |
14. marts 2012 07:05 af Aktiefokus Den australske jernmalmsproducent Fortescue Metals Group har annonceret planer om at rejse 1 mia. dollar (5,7 mia. kr.) gennem et højt forrentet obligationstilbud, som skal bidrage til finansieringen af en udvidelse af jernmalmproduktionen i Western Australia, sk |
47840 | BULK - Store lastejere kræver førsteklasses skibe | 30/10 2011 08:28 | fcras | 0 |
Fredag 28. oktober 2011 kl: 08:00 Krisen har gjort det vanskeligere for små operatører at få foden inden for hos de store kunder. Store lastejere foretrækker i dag at indgå aftaler med store veldrevne rederier, hvor de kan være mere sikre på, at deres last kommer sikkert frem "Den tendens, man |
47386 | GOGL __Repurchase of shares 18.10.2011__ | 18/10 2011 17:52 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 18:12 CEST 18-10-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that the Company has, on October 18, purchased 400,000 of the Company's own common stocks. The shares have been bou |
47342 | Capesize Shipping Costs Climb to 10-Month High on Ore Import | 17/10 2011 14:49 | fcras | 0 |
Monday, 17 October 2011 00:00 The cost to hire capesize vessels climbed to a 10-month high as rising imports of iron ore to China boosted demand for the ships.Monthly iron-ore shipments to China, the largest consumer of the material, will average 60 million metric tons from September through Dece |
47005 | GOGL Repurchase of shares 05.10.2011 | 5/10 2011 18:23 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 19:49 CEST 05-10-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Repurchase of shares Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that the Company has, on October 05, purchased 400,461 of the Company's own common sto |
46981 | GOGL - Repurchase of shares | 5/10 2011 04:48 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 22:03 CEST 04-10-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Repurchase of shares Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that the Company has, on October 04, purchased 550,000 of the Company's own common sto |
46808 | GOGL - Repurchase of shares 28.09.2011 | 29/9 2011 04:07 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 20:14 CEST 28-09-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Repurchase of shares Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that the Company has, on September 28, purchased 189,646 of the Company's own common st |
46716 | GOGL - Repurchase of shares 26.09.2011 | 26/9 2011 15:50 | fcras | 1 |
Published: 17:42 CEST 26-09-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Repurchase of shares Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that the Company has, on September 26, purchased 550,000 of the Company's own common s |
46647 | GOGL - Repurchase of shares | 23/9 2011 20:37 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 19:51 CEST 23-09-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Repurchase of shares Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") announces that is has through market purchases executed September 23, repurchased 350,000 of the |
46087 | GOGL - Share buy-back program | 5/9 2011 20:39 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 20:13 CEST 05-09-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Share buy-back program The Board of Directors of Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company") has on 23 August 2011 decided to initiate a buy-back program of up to 45,000,000 shares |
45704 | Japanese bulk carrier sets record on Northern Sea Route | 27/8 2011 04:16 | fcras | 1 |
2011-08-26 The Northern Sea Route will see its third record in less than a month when the largest ever bulk carrier to take the route leaves Murmansk next week. It is also the first time a Japanese shipping company sends a vessel through the Northeast Passage. Only a week after the largest tanke |
45557 | Golden Ocean Q2/11 Results | 25/8 2011 08:23 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:02 CEST 25-08-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 Interim Results for the Quarter and Half Year ended June 30, 2011 Highlights · Golden Ocean reports a profit of $16.5 million for the second quarter of 2011 · Golden Ocean announces |
45401 | Golden Oceans 6 OBO Capesize laster kun tørrlast? | 21/8 2011 08:53 | fcras | 1 |
GOGL har 6 OBO Capesize under Commercial Management fra Frontline (FRO) der har chartered skipene av Ships Finance (SFL) http://www.goldenocean.no/?menu=10 http://frontline.bm/fleetlist/index.php?class=OBO http://www.shipfinance.bm/index.php?name=Fleet%2FOBO... Disse OBO (Ore/Bulk/Oil) skipe |
42582 | tørlast - er det muligt med en langtidsprognose? | 18/5 2011 07:25 | Rodion | 0 |
Jeg har nu forsigtigt - og delvis på sidelinien - fulgt tørlastmarkedet i nogle år. Der er jo over de sidste par år sket et solidt fald i tørlast, og nu er vi efter en lille opgang igen ved at skrabe bunden (altså hvis det er bunden). Jinhui er nu nede på omkring 16,70 NOK. Gogl har smidt 86% |
40198 | BULK - Japan effect ‘significant’ | 15/3 2011 16:01 | fcras | 1 |
: An unfolding tragedy in Japan following a devastating tsunami will have a significant impact on the shipping industry, a top analyst says. While the full extent of the saga is still to be seen, market watchers believe panamax and supramax bulker owners could benefit during the rebuilding effo |
39158 | BULK - Eagle Bulk Ships returning to nest | 18/2 2011 09:27 | fcras | 0 |
: Ships returning to nest Published: 14:21 GMT, 15 Feb 11 | updated: 15:30 GMT, 15 Feb 11 Eagle Bulk Shipping is looking to take ships back from Korea Line Corp while the ailing owner looks to resolve its financial difficulties. Nasdaq-listed Eagle will also hold off delivering a newbuil |
39132 | GOGL - Golden Ocean Q4/10 Rapport / dividend US $0.05 | 18/2 2011 07:27 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:11 CET 18-02-2011 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 Interim Results for the Quarter and Year ended December 31, 2010 Highlights ·Golden Ocean reports profit of $24.0 million and earnings per share of $0.05 for the fourth quarter o |
39053 | BDI Opp 2,8%, Capesize Ned 1,8% / Panamax opp 7,1% | 16/2 2011 13:32 | fcras | 0 |
Innkommet 16.02.2011 14:13 - TDN Oslo (TDN Finans): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 2,8 prosent onsdag til 1.271 poeng, mens capesize-indeksen er ned 1,8 prosent til 7.063 dollar pr dag. Det melder Bloomberg News. Baltic Dry +2,8% Capesize -1,8% Panamax +7,1% Handysize +0,6% Supramax +2, |
38848 | BULK: Baltic Dry stiger med 3,7 pct. | 11/2 2011 13:50 | fcras | 0 |
Tørlastindekset Baltic Dry stiger fredag med 3,7 pct. til 1178 point. Det skriver Bloomberg News. Baltic Dry-indekset udarbejdes af London-baserede Baltic Exchange og dækker priserne for at få fragtet last som kul, korn og jernmalm. Indekset er baseret på en daglig rundspørge til mæglere over hel |
38745 | Knightsbridge frustrated in second-hand market | 9/2 2011 16:07 | fcras | 0 |
: VLCCF empty handed By Andy Pierce in London Published: 13:41 GMT, 08 Feb 11 | updated: 16:17 GMT, 08 Feb 11 John Fredriksen’s Knightsbridge Tankers has come up short of expectations in the fourth quarter. Nasdaq-listed Knightsbridge was also frustrated in the second-hand market whe |
38319 | Shipping/analytikere: Lukket Suez-kanal vil være en gave | 31/1 2011 15:56 | fcras | 6 |
Shipping/analytikere: Lukket Suez-kanal vil være en gave til raterne Publicerat 2011-01-31 16:15:42 KØBENHAVN (Direkt) Hvis de voldsomme uroligheder i Egypten ender med en lukning af trafikken gennem Suez-kanalen, vil det være en gave for fragtraterne. Den øgede sejltid vil ændre forholdet |
36922 | Oversupply to affect bulker rates: 2011 | 9/12 2010 04:37 | fcras | 0 |
PostTime:2010-12-09 08:11:24 An oversupply of vessels is expected to keep freight rates from flying as high as in recent years said a relative shipping report from BIMCO's analyst Peter Sand. Still, there will be moments in 2011 where rates will spike due to inefficiencies in loading and d |
36319 | Golden Ocean Q3/10 Report - dividend $0.05 | 23/11 2010 07:43 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:00 CET 23-11-2010 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Interim Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months ended September 30, 2010 Highlights · Golden Ocean reports profit of $41.7 million and earnings per share of |
35968 | QVT Financial LP køber yderligere op i Golden Ocean | 15/11 2010 08:01 | fcras | 1 |
Fondet QVT Financial LP melder i dag at de på fredag kjøpte 275.000 aksjer i Golden Ocean. Dermed må fondet flagge at de nå eier 22,85 millioner aksjer, som tilsvarer 5,00 prosent. http://stocklink.no/Article.aspx?id=74104 http://www.goldenocean.no/ Panamax-skipet «Golden Saguenay» . GOG |
35727 | GOGL -Sale of Golden Shadow and Long term time charter contr | 9/11 2010 07:28 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 06:59 CET 09-11-2010 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL -Sale of Golden Shadow and Long term time charter contracts Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is pleased to advise that the Company has entered into an |
35512 | BULK - Pacific Basin / Dry-Bulk Upswing Into Early 2011 | 1/11 2010 05:23 | fcras | 0 |
Pacific Basin Expects Dry-Bulk Upswing Into Early 2011 on China Iron Ore Monday, 01 November 2010 Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd., Hong Kong’s largest operator of dry-bulk vessels, forecast an upswing in demand from next month through early 2011 as Chinese steelmakers rebuild stocks of iron or |
35180 | BULK - BRS weekly DRY BULK Newsletter no 707 | 26/10 2010 06:21 | fcras | 0 |
Barry Rogliano Salles weekly DRY BULK Newsletter no 707 Tuesday, 26 October 2010 A quieter week due to the Coaltrans conference but markets held steady. The Capesize 4TC remains above US$45,000, and while rates for the smaller sizes softened, both sentiment and FFA rates suggest they c |
35127 | BULK - Vale ore fleet to drag freight rates lower-Zodiac | 25/10 2010 04:24 | fcras | 0 |
Monday, 25 October 2010 Brazilian mining giant Vale's* move to use its own fleet of 400,000 tonne iron ore carriers will have a major effect on shipping and will push freight rates lower, a senior ship official said. Vale will take delivery of the first of 36 Chinamax ore carriers in Jun |
35005 | GOGLs toppsjef Billung: Da hadde Golden Ocean vært høyere | 21/10 2010 16:20 | fcras | 0 |
(Hegnar.no - 21.10.10 14:04) - Da hadde Golden Ocean vært høyere Golden Oceans toppsjef Herman Billung mener det er urettferdig at aksjen korrelerer så sterkt med Baltic Dry-indeksen og peker på en situasjon hvor aksjen kunne vært betydelig høyere. - John Fredriksen har tjent to milliarder |
34720 | GOGL - Shipping chief sees expansion on horizon | 13/10 2010 07:48 | fcras | 0 |
By Robert Wright in London Published: October 12 2010 22:27 | Last updated: October 12 2010 22:27 The chief executive of Golden Ocean, the dry bulk shipping company founded by John Fredriksen, has pledged to consider fresh ways of boosting its value after it sold two ships for shares in a N |
34650 | BULK - Atlantic Capesize Index | 11/10 2010 11:54 | fcras | 0 |
11 October 2010 Last week saw a sharp weekly rise in the Capesize market. The Atlantic Capesize Index rose 1,711 points to 11,312 points, representing the highest level since mid-June. Atlantic round voyage rates for 172kdwt vessels surged $14,200/day (+45%) to $46,000/ day. Fronthaul time c |
34596 | BULK/TANK - Week 40 / BDI +9,95% / Weekly Reports (5) | 9/10 2010 06:01 | fcras | 0 |
BULK/TANK__Week 40 / BDI +9,95% / Weekly Reports (5)__ : Baltic Dry Index (BDI) week 40 BDI 2696 +244 pkt (+9,95%) Capesize Index 4076 +657 pkt. (+19,22 %) Panamax Index 2403 -9 pkt. (-0,37 %) Supramax Index 1894 +51 pkt. (+2,77%) Handysize Index 1033 -5 pkt. (-0,48%) Weekly Market Rep |
34432 | BULK - Golden Ocean / nu info om charter-out rater/perioder | 5/10 2010 07:51 | fcras | 0 |
Golden Ocean (GOGL) har nu info om charter-out rater (usd/dagen) og perioder og angiver hvilke skibe der drives i spotmarkedet - med på websiten deres Owned Vessels: http://www.goldenocean.no/?menu=7 Chartered Vessels: http://www.goldenocean.no/?menu=8 Chartered Vessels Bareboat (uden mandska |
34428 | BULK - BRS Dry Bulk Newsletter October 4th, 2010 | 5/10 2010 05:50 | fcras | 0 |
Asian markets were still on -- holiday this week -- but there was some action early on in the Capesize market, with rates rising nearly 10% due to a tight Atlantic market and activity by BHP and Rio in the Pacific. Panamaxes fared less well with the....... more here: http://download.hellenicshi |
34038 | GOGL - Increased investment in Knightsbridge Tankers | 27/9 2010 22:26 | fcras | 0 |
27.09.2010 at 22:08CET Increased investment in Knightsbridge Tankers Limited through sale of vessel Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is pleased to advise that the Company has entered into an agreement with Knightsbridge Tankers Limited ("Knightsbridge") to sell the |
33989 | BULK - Brazil Miner Vale To Announce $20 Billion Investments | 27/9 2010 07:04 | fcras | 1 |
Brazil Miner Vale To Announce $20 Billion In Investments For 2011-Source Monday, 27 September 2010 Brazilian miner Vale SA will next month announce a record investment budget of $20 billion for 2011, as part of a continuing drive to become the world's biggest mining company. The investme |
33915 | BULK/TANK - Week 38 / BDI -8,67% / Weekly Reports (4) | 25/9 2010 07:43 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Dry Index (BDI) week 38 BDI 2444 -332 pkt. (-8,67%) Capesize Index 3121 -360 pkt. (-10.34%) Panamax Index 2719 -209 pkt. (-7,14%) Supramax Index 1879 -133 pkt. (-6,61%) Handysize Index 1069 -16 pkt. (-1,47%) Weekly Market Report / week 38: http://download.hellenicshippingnews |
33674 | BULK - Hay Point monthly coal exports up by 20pct | 19/9 2010 10:04 | fcras | 0 |
Hay Point monthly coal exports up by 20pct Sunday, 19 September 2010 According to figures on the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, coal exports from Hay Point in Queensland climbed up 20% in August this year. Coal exports from Hay Point’s 2 terminals reached 9.23 million tonnes |
33648 | BULK/TANK - Week 37 / BDI -10,65% / Market Reports (2) | 18/9 2010 08:31 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Dry Index (BDI) week 37 BDI 2676 -319 pkt. (-10,65%) Capesize Index 3481 -538 pkt. (-13,39%) Panamax Index 2928 -466 pkt. (-13,73%) Supramax Index 2012 -34 pkt. (-1,66%) Handysize Index 1085 +7 pkt, (+0,65%) -------------------------------------------- Weekly Market Report we |
33598 | GOGL - Restructuring at Jinhaiwan | 17/9 2010 06:18 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 07:49 CEST 17-09-2010 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: TICKER GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Restructuring at Jinhaiwan Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in restructuring the newbuilding pr |
33088 | Dry bulk market is looking to increase | 9/9 2010 06:54 | fcras | 0 |
Dry bulk market is looking to increase gains on October iron ore contracts Thursday, 09 September 2010 The “success” story that the dry bulk market has been displaying during the past couple of weeks is being materialized as we head towards another “winning” week for the industry’s main benc |
32968 | Dry bulk market all set to reach 3,500 points in the coming | 7/9 2010 04:05 | fcras | 2 |
Dry bulk market all set to reach 3,500 points in the coming days Tuesday, 07 September 2010 The dry bulk market is looking well after the crash it experienced during the whole of June and up until the middle of July. According to John Pachoulis, the President of the Hellenic Shipbroker |
32435 | GOGL - Interim Results for the Quarter and Half Year ended J | 26/8 2010 06:39 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 07:34 CEST 26-08-2010 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: TICKER GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Interim Results for the Quarter and Half Year ended June 30, 2010 Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company" or "Golden Ocean") reports profit of $26.9 million and earni |
32277 | BULK/TANK - Week 33 / BDI +11,67% / Market Reports (2) | 21/8 2010 05:42 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Dry Index (BDI) week 33 BDI 2756 +288 pkt. (+11,67%) Baltic Capesize Index BCI 3578 +368 pkt. (+11.46%) Baltic Panamax Index BPI 3089 +225 pkt. (+7,86%) Baltic Supramax Index BSI 2076 +245 pkt. (+13,38%) Baltic Handysize Index BHSI 1068 +54 pkt. (+5,33%) Weekly Market Report wee |
30346 | GOGL - Investment in Knightsbridge Tankers Limited through sale of vessel | 16/6 2010 02:36 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 14:26 CEST 15-06-2010 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: TICKER GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Investment in Knightsbridge Tankers Limited through sale of vessel Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or the "Company") is pleased to advise that the Company has agreed |
30275 | DRY BULK - newbuildings to come but still not undermining.................... | 15/6 2010 07:29 | fcras | 0 |
Dry Bulk Shipping - Lots of newbuildings to come but still not undermining a positive market Tuesday, 15 June 2010 The first four months of 2010 saw ups and down for the BDI with the index hovering around 3,000, but May brought along stronger rates particularly to Capesize, that lifted the |
29980 | BULK - Week 22 / BDI -5.74% / Weekly Report | 5/6 2010 06:05 | fcras | 0 |
BDI WEEK 22 Baltic Dry Index 3844 -234 (-5,74%) Baltic Capesize 5110 -107 (-2,05%) Baltic Panamax 3878 -369 (-8,69%) Baltic Supramax 2741 -241 (-8,08%) Baltic Handysize 1426 -51 (-3,45%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY |
29900 | BULK - BDI & Fixtures 02.06.2010 | 2/6 2010 16:40 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Dry Index 02.06.2010 BDI -33/4041 pkt. Capesize BCI +53/5455 pkt. = +392/59.324 usd Panamax BPI -86/3995 pkt. = -695/32.051 usd Suprsmax BSI -65/2865 pkt. = -678/29.959 usd Handysize BHSI -13/1455 pkt. = -168/21.111 usd ----------------------------------------------------- |
29731 | BULK - Week 21 / BDI +6,09% / Weekly Report | 29/5 2010 05:04 | fcras | 0 |
BDI WEEK 21 Baltic Dry Index 4078 +234 (+6,09%) Baltic Capesize 5217 +900 (+20,85%) Baltic Panamax 4247 -329 (-7,19%) Baltic Supramax 2982 -113 (-3,65%) Baltic Handysize 1477 -39 (-2,57%) -------------------------------------------- WEEKLY MARKET REPORT May 28th, 2010 / Week 21 |
29694 | BULK- Golden Ocean (GOGL) Report Q1/10 - Dividend $0.025 | 28/5 2010 06:37 | fcras | 0 |
28.05.2010 at 08:09CET Results for the Quarter ended March 31, 2010 Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company" or "Golden Ocean") reports profit of $23.8 million and earnings per share of $0.05 for the first quarter of 2010. This compares with profit and earnings per share of $16.6 millio |
29603 | BULK - Baltic Dry Index BDI tirsdag 25.05.2010 +244/4187 pkt. | 26/5 2010 07:01 | fcras | 0 |
BDI 4187 (UP 244) - som er et snit av: Capesize BCI 5262 (UP 637)= +9177/57.425 usd/dagen Panamax BPI 4492 (DOWN 45)= -364/36.049 usd/dagen Supramax BSI 3076( DOWN 14)= -146/32.161 usd/dagen Handysize BHSI 1517 (DOWN 3) = +28/21.975 usd/dagen - som er et snit av seneste kontrakter (F |
29524 | INDONESIA - Coal Demand from China Rises 20 Mn Tons | 25/5 2010 06:06 | fcras | 0 |
Senin, Indonesia, 24 Mei 2010, 13:34 "China has fantastic demand. The increase reaches 20 million tons" VIVAnews - Coal demands from China and India increase significantly this year. "China has fantastic demand. The increase reaches 20 million tons," said Coal Mines Association Chie |
29487 | BULK - Fixtures 21.05.2010 / Cape 65.000* / Pmax 50.000** | 21/5 2010 14:52 | fcras | 0 |
Supras win in Atlantic Capesizes rebounded spectacularly heading into the weekend and not for the first time in recent times it was George Economou's Classic Maritime leading the charge. Supramaxes saw some explosive figures for US Gulf lifts heading in both directions while some very str |
29351 | BULK - Golden Ocean Q1/10 rapport fredag 28.05.10 kl 08.30 | 18/5 2010 13:33 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 15:05 CEST 18-05-2010 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /XOSL: TICKER GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Invitation to presentation of Q1 2010 Results Golden Ocean's first quarter 2010 results will be released on Friday May 28, 2010. In connection with this a presentation and a te |
29335 | BULK - Climbing Cape Capacity | 18/5 2010 06:42 | fcras | 0 |
Climbing Cape Capacity ? 17 May 2010 By Ms Amy Lovelock For some time now the size of the bulk carrier orderbook, and in particular the Capesize orderbook, has been a somewhat pressing issue. Enthusiastic ship owners who contracted new vessels apace in the boom times have long expect |
29261 | BULK - Week 19 / BDI +8,90% / Weekly Report | 15/5 2010 05:08 | fcras | 0 |
BDI WEEK 19 Baltic Dry Index 3929 +321 (+8,90%) Baltic Capesize BCI 4804 +456 (+10,49%) Baltic Panamax BPI 4340 +278 (+6,84%) Baltic Supramax BSI 3076 +188 (+6,51%) Baltic Handysize BHSI 1481 +69 (+4,89%) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT May 14th, 2010 / Week 19 Another solid week for the |
29175 | BULK - Baltic Dry Index (BDI) tirsdag 11.05.2010 | 12/5 2010 06:22 | fcras | 0 |
BDI +115/3822 pkt BCI +253/4804 pkt = +2951/49.122 usd/d BPI +50/4146 pkt = +402/33.355 usd/d BSI +44/2991 pkt = +459/31.270 usd/d BHSI +17/1437 pkt = +225/20.966 usd/d ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photo May 11,2010: Panamax |
29057 | BULK - Baltic Dry Index (BDI) fredag 07.05.10 | 10/5 2010 05:20 | fcras | 0 |
fredag 07.05.10 BDI +140/3608 pkt. Capesize BCI +307/4348 pkt = +3647/43.686 usd Panamax BPI +44/4062 pkt = +351/32.679 usd Supramax BSI +71/2888 pkt = +736/30.196 usd Handysize BHSI +14/1412 pkt = +178/20.616 usd The Baltic Exchange / London: http://www.balticexchange.com/ |
28993 | BULK - Week 18 / BDI +7.57% / Weekly Report | 8/5 2010 04:21 | fcras | 0 |
BDI week 18 Baltic Dry Index 3608 +254 (+7,57%) Baltic Capesize 4348 +412 (+10,47%) Baltic Panamax 4062 +162 (+4,15%) Baltic Supramax 2888 +173 (+6,37%) Baltic Handysize 1412 +56 (+4,13%) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT May 7th, 2010 / Week 18 The freight rates and thus the market indices |
28790 | BULK__Golden Ocean reports 2009 consolidated results | 1/5 2010 10:39 | fcras | 0 |
Saturday, 01 May 2010 The Company?s consolidated revenues for 2009 were $349.6 million decreasing by $598 million compared to 2008. The reduction reflects the effect of the international credit crisis which caused a collapse in the dry bulk market during the fourth quarter in 2008. T |
28774 | BULK - BDI & Fixtures 30.04.10 | 30/4 2010 15:07 | fcras | 0 |
BDI 3354 down 5 Capesize BCI 3936 down 62 Panamax BPI 3900 up 9 Supramax BSI 2715 up 25 Handysize BHSI 1356 up 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXTURES (Kontrakt sluttninger) 30.04.10 Three-year deals done Capesizes heade |
28630 | BULK - market "explodes" on higher iron ore demand | 28/4 2010 04:12 | fcras | 0 |
BULK__market "explodes" on higher iron ore demand__ : Dry bulk market "explodes" on higher iron ore demand, JP Morgan raises trade forecasts Wednesday, 28 April 2010 After a prolonged period of anticipation and a stalled dry bulk market in terms of freight rates, the industry?s benchmark, |
28488 | BULK/TANK - Week 16 BDI +0,13% / Weekly Report | 24/4 2010 06:31 | fcras | 1 |
BDI WEEK 16 Baltic Dry Index 3013 +4 (+0,13%) Baltic Capesize 3238 +167 (+5,44%) Baltic Panamax 3757 -277 (-6,87%) Baltic Supramax 2656 +62 (+2,39%) Baltic Handysize 1351 -22 (-1,60%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY MA |
28451 | BULK - Golden Ocean Group vil ikke gjøre en emisjon ............ | 23/4 2010 07:59 | fcras | 1 |
Innkommet 23.04.2010 09:36 - TDN Oslo (TDN Finans): Golden Ocean Group vil ikke gjøre en emisjon i forbindelse med børsnoteringen av selskapets aksjer i Singapore. Det skriver TradeWinds fredag, som viser til uttalelser fra selskapets driftdirektør Anders Zorn. -Vi er fullt finansierin |
28415 | BULK - Dry cargo demand expected to increase | 22/4 2010 06:35 | fcras | 1 |
Dry cargo demand expected to increase, favoring higher freight rates Thursday, 22 April 2010 Increased dry bulk cargo demand is expected to become the norm in the coming weeks and months, according to analysts, which in turn should sustain firmer freight rates for bulk carriers. This cou |
28267 | BULK - Week 15 / BDI +3,30% / Weekly Market Report | 17/4 2010 09:16 | fcras | 0 |
BDI week 15 Baltic Dry Index 3009 +96 (+3,30%) Baltic Capesize 3071 +87 (+2,92%) Baltic Panamax 4034 +82 (+2,07%) Baltic Supramax 2594 +104 (+4,18%) Baltic Handysize 1373 +18 (+1,33%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY MARKET R |
28070 | BULK - Week 14 / BDI -2,61% / Wekly Market Report | 10/4 2010 06:57 | fcras | 0 |
BDI WEEK 14 Baltic Dry Index 2913 -78 (-2,61%) Baltic Capesize 2984 -445 (-12,98%) Baltic Panamax 3952 +244 (+6,58%) Baltic Supramax 2490 +81 (+3,36%) Baltic Handysize 1355 -5 (-0,37%) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT April 9th, 2010 / Week 14 The BDI remained practically unchanged shedding |
27941 | BULK - Brazil soya exports to China expected to hit 43m tonnes this year | 7/4 2010 06:40 | fcras | 1 |
06/04/10 Sao Paolo: The Chinese appetite for Brazilian soya has been growing as Beijing has begun building up stocks while import prices have been relatively low. To the delight of bulk vessel charterers the growth of Brazilian soya exports to China has been around 20% every year for the p |
27631 | BULK - Week 12 / BDI ned 8,32 % / Weekly Market report | 27/3 2010 06:45 | fcras | 2 |
BDI week 12 Baltic Dry Index 3098 -281 (-8,32%) Baltic Capesize 3244 -278 (-7,89%) Baltic Panamax 3965 -379 (-8,72%) Baltic Supramax 2647 -282 (-9,63%) Baltic Handysize 1449 -19 (-1,29%) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT March 26th, 2010 / Week 12 The market was scheduled for a correction |
27401 | BULK - BDI Week 11 -3,63 % / Weekly Market Report | 20/3 2010 05:06 | fcras | 1 |
BDI week 11 Baltic Dry Index 3379 -127 (-3,62%) Baltic Capesize 3522 -806 (-18,62%) Baltic Panamax 4344 +167 (+4,00%) Baltic Supramax 2929 +198 (+7,25%) Baltic Handysize 1468 +130 (+9,72%) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT March 19th, 2010 / Week 11 The capesize market buckled this week |
27340 | BULK - Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) er fra i dag på børs i Singapore | 18/3 2010 10:05 | fcras | 0 |
Press release from Golden Ocean Group Ltd. 18.03.2010 First dual listing under the cooperation agreement between the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or "the Company"), is pleased to announce that the Company has completed a secondary li |
26751 | Baltic Dry Index (BDI) 05.03.100 | 5/3 2010 18:08 | fcras | 0 |
BDI 3242 (UP 121) BCI 3923 (UP 202) BPI 4003 (UP 116) BSI 2472 (UP 43) BHSI 1258 (UP 35) - seneste BDI: http://www.nordic-drybulk.info/?Dry_Bulk_Index ------------------------------------------------------------------ Foto: Handysize Bulk Carrier ? Maren Bulker? 2008 ? 31.945 dw |
26706 | De heteste aksjene i Norden / Investtech 05.03.10 | 5/3 2010 08:57 | fcras | 3 |
Analytikerne i Investtech har satt sammen en liste over de ti heteste aksjene i Norden. Fredag 5. mars er det syv nye aksjer i Norden Topp 10. Dermed består listen av fem svenske, to norske, tre danske og ingen finske aksjer. Aksjene er valgt ut på mellomlang sikt, hvilket betyr en invester |
26644 | Rederier kan vinde på nye ruter i ishavet | 3/3 2010 12:47 | fcras | 0 |
Onsdag 3. marts 2010 kl: 11:14 De danske rederier kan spare millioner af kroner ved at sejle fra Atlanterhavet til Stillehavet via nordøstpassage nord om Rusland. Ruten er blevet en mulighed fordi området i de seneste år blevet mere og mere isfrit om sommeren. "Hvis det rent kommercielt vi |
26451 | BULK - BDI & Fixtures 26.02.10 | 26/2 2010 15:27 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2738 UP 27 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3174 DOWN 22 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3399 UP 74 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2288 UP 39 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 1153 UP 20 http://www.nordic-drybulk.info/?Dry_Bulk_Index ----------------- |
17009 | BDI mandag 17.08.09 +22 pkt | 18/8 2009 09:12 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2774 UP 22 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4747 UP 39 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2415 UP 24 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1723 UP 14 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 831 UP 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
16921 | Q2/09 Rapport -Golden Ocean GOGL | 17/8 2009 08:35 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 08:23 17.08.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /OSE: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Interim Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2009 Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company" or "Golden Ocean") reports net income of $101.0 million and earnings per share of $0.2 |
16262 | GOGL - Press release from Golden Ocean Group Ltd. 04.08.2009 | 4/8 2009 19:04 | fcras | 0 |
Reference is made to Golden Ocean Group Limited's ("Golden Ocean" or "the Company") press release dated November 9, 2007 informing about the sale of the six Panamax vessels under construction at Pipavav Shipyard in India. Reference is also made to the information given related to this transacti |
15824 | BDI mandag 27.07.09 +62 pkt. | 27/7 2009 15:59 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3407 UP 62 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5339 UP 169 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3509 DOWN 15 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2090 DOWN 1 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 881 UP 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15725 | BDI fredag 24.07.09 -10 pkt. | 24/7 2009 14:37 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3345 DOWN 10 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5170 DOWN 48 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3524 UP 29 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2091 DOWN 4 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 879 UP 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
15650 | BDI torsdag 23.07.09 -52 pkt. | 23/7 2009 14:44 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3355 DOWN 52 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5218 DOWN 201 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3495 UP 36 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2095 UP 9 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 874 UP 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15602 | BDI onsadg 22.07.09 -48 pkt | 22/7 2009 14:54 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3407 DOWN 48 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5419 DOWN 183 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3459 UP 47 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2086 UP 6 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 866 UP 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
15568 | BDI tirsdag 21.07.09 -56 pkt. | 21/7 2009 14:15 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3455 DOWN 56 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5602 DOWN 222 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3412 UP 46 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2080 UP 18 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 854 UP 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
15508 | BDI mandag 20.07.09 -31 pkt. | 20/7 2009 14:40 | fcras | 0 |
Her er de rigtige BDI tal for i dag mandag Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3511 DOWN 31 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5824 DOWN 133 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3366 UP 42 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2062 UP 11 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 849 UP 6 ---------------------- |
15504 | BDI mandag 20.07.09 -109 pkt | 20/7 2009 14:21 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3107 DOWN 109 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5336 DOWN 331 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2897 DOWN 20 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1749 UP 25 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 766 UP 7 ------------------------------------------------------------- |
15406 | BDI fredag 17.07.09 +41 pkt | 17/7 2009 14:40 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3542 UP 41 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5957 UP 41 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3324 UP 69 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2051 UP 35 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 843 UP 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15329 | BDI torsdag 16.0709 +177 pkt. | 16/7 2009 15:04 | fcras | 0 |
http://www.nordic-drybulk.info/?Dry_Bulk_Index ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15286 | GOGL - Insider transaction | 15/7 2009 20:14 | fcras | 0 |
Published: 15:26 15.07.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /OSE: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Insider transaction Hemen Holding Limited, a company indirectly controlled by trusts affiliated with John Fredriksen, has settled a TRS agreement (Total Return Swap) underlying 1,423 |
15271 | BDI onsdag 15.07.09 +227 pkt | 15/7 2009 14:36 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3324 UP 227 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5549 UP 515 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3141 UP 121 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1953 UP 61 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 822 UP 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
15222 | BDI tirsdag 14.07.09 +122 | 14/7 2009 15:08 | fcras | 0 |
http://www.nordic-drybulk.info/?Dry_Bulk_Index ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
15175 | BDI mandag 13.07.09 -10 pkt | 13/7 2009 14:58 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2975 DOWN 10 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4788 DOWN 56 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2955 UP 3 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1834 UP 17 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 800 UP 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15096 | BDI fredag 10.07.09 -33 pkt. | 10/7 2009 14:32 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2985 DOWN 33 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4844 DOWN 193 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2952 UP 38 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1817 UP 35 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 794 UP 15 --------------------------------------------------------------- |
14993 | BDI torsdag 09.07.09 -89 pkt. | 9/7 2009 14:30 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3018 DOWN 89 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5037 DOWN 299 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2914 UP 17 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1782 UP 33 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 779 UP 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
14951 | BDI onsdag 08.07.09 - 109 pkt | 8/7 2009 15:42 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3107 DOWN 109 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5336 DOWN 331 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2897 DOWN 20 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1749 UP 25 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 766 UP 7 |
14869 | BDI tirsdag 07.07.09 -159 pkt. | 7/7 2009 15:33 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3216 DOWN 159 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5667 DOWN 437 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2917 DOWN 52 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1724 UP 8 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 759 UP 8 |
14800 | BDI mandag 06.07.09 -145 pkt. | 6/7 2009 15:31 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3375 DOWN 145 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6104 DOWN 334 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2969 DOWN 58 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1716 DOWN 2 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 751 UP 2 |
14677 | BDI fredag 03.07.09 -152 pkt. | 3/7 2009 14:14 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3520 DOWN 152 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6438 DOWN 410 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3027 DOWN 32 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1718 UP 9 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 749 DOWN 1 |
14609 | BDI torsdag 02.07.09 -70 pkt. | 2/7 2009 14:23 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3672 DOWN 70 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6848 DOWN 274 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3059 UP 75 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1709 UP 6 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 750 UP 1 |
14583 | Golden Ocean-Britbulk deal heading for legal dispute | 1/7 2009 19:00 | fcras | 0 |
Tony Gray - onsdag 1 juli 2009 A $360m ship sale deal between Golden Ocean and the failed Britbulk group of companies looks set to slide into a morass of litigation John Fredriksen’s Golden Ocean agreed to sell six newbuilding panamax bulk carriers to Britannia Bulk Finance, which is now in |
14582 | BDI onsdag 01.07.09 -15 pkt. | 1/7 2009 18:55 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3742 DOWN 15 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7122 DOWN 119 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2984 UP 80 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1703 UP 2 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 749 DOWN 5 |
14502 | BDI tirsdag 30.06.09 +23 | 30/6 2009 14:21 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3757 UP 23 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7241 UP 25 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2904 UP 67 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1701 DOWN 14 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 754 DOWN 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
14460 | BDI mandag 29.06.09 +31 pkt. | 29/6 2009 14:19 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3734 UP 31 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7216 UP 110 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2837 UP 20 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1715 DOWN 19 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 758 DOWN 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
14330 | BDI fredag 26.06.09 NO CHANGE | 26/6 2009 14:17 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3703 NO CHANGE BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7106 UP 72 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2817 DOWN 51 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1734 DOWN 16 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 764 DOWN 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
14248 | BDI torsdag 25.06.09 -48 pkt | 25/6 2009 14:25 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3703 DOWN 48 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7034 DOWN 81 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2868 DOWN 71 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1750 DOWN 4 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 768 DOWN 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
14234 | BULK/GOGL - Sale of shares in Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. | 25/6 2009 08:48 | fcras | 0 |
Press release from Golden Ocean Group Ltd. 25.06.2009 Golden Ocean Group Limited ("Golden Ocean" or "the Company") announces the sale of 3,863,180 of the Company's shares in Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. The shares are sold at an average price of $4.50 per share. The sale of the shar |
14157 | BULK - Tørlastmarkedet vil fortsat være volantilt | 24/6 2009 10:35 | fcras | 2 |
Onsdag 24. juni 2009 kl: 08:20 Maersk Broker vurderer, at der er positive tegn på tørlastmarkedet. Men direktøren slår samtidig fast, at markedet fortsat vil være meget volantilt det næste år til halvandet og godt kan falde tilbage til betragteligt lavere niveauer. "Lige nu ser vi rater i |
14107 | BDI tirsdag 23.06.09 -155 pkt. | 23/6 2009 15:29 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3874 DOWN 155 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7441 DOWN 468 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3021 DOWN 47 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1757 DOWN 1 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 774 DOWN 3 ------------------------------------------------- |
14021 | BDI mandag 22.06.09 -41 pkt. | 22/6 2009 14:17 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4029 DOWN 41 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7909 DOWN 87 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3068 DOWN 57 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1758 UP 9 |
13995 | BULK/TANK - Fredriksen orders dominate at Jinhaiwan | 22/6 2009 07:40 | fcras | 0 |
Sunday, 21 June 2009 20:24 Companies controlled by the powerful shipping tycoon John Fredriksen are uncertain about the impact of major ownership changes at China's Zhoushan Jinhaiwan shipyard , despite the fact that nearly 60% of the vessels on order at the yard have been contracted by his in |
13875 | BDI fredag 19.06.09 -3 pkt. | 19/6 2009 14:32 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4070 DOWN 3 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7996 UP 16 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3125 DOWN 37 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1749 UP 14 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 780 DOWN 3 |
13786 | BDI torsdag 18.06.09 +47 pkt. | 18/6 2009 14:25 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4073 UP 47 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7980 UP 155 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3162 DOWN 14 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1735 UP 21 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 783 DOWN 6 |
13681 | BDO onsdag 17.06.09 +75 ptk. | 17/6 2009 14:33 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4026 UP 75 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7825 UP 177 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3176 UP 68 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1714 UP 15 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 789 DOWN 7 |
13611 | BDI tirsdag 16.06.09 +188 pkt | 16/6 2009 14:16 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3951 UP 188 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7648 UP 421 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3108 UP 227 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1699 DOWN 3 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 796 DOWN 14 ----------------------------------------------------- Supramax |
13533 | BDI mandag 15.06.09 +180 pkt | 15/6 2009 15:00 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3763 UP 180 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7227 UP 512 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2881 UP 127 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1702 DOWN 20 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 810 DOWN 17 |
13436 | Nor-Shipping - DN TV - Optimisme i Golden Ocean | 12/6 2009 15:10 | fcras | 0 |
+ mere fra Nor -Shipping http://www.dn.no/dntv/nyheter/article1687498.ece?WT.m.. --------------------------------------------------------------- Panamax "Golden Saguenay" (GOGL) |
13392 | BDI torsdag 11.06.09 +31 pkt. | 11/6 2009 14:21 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3483 UP 31 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6465 UP 111 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2643 UP 28 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1738 DOWN 20 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 836 DOWN 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
13316 | BDI onsdag 10.06.09 -66 pkt. | 10/6 2009 14:28 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3452 DOWN 66 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6354 DOWN 28 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2615 DOWN 157 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1758 DOWN 23 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 850 DOWN 14 ---------------------------------------------------- Handy |
13231 | BDI tirsdag 09.06.09 -128 pkt | 9/6 2009 14:35 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3518 DOWN 128 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6382 DOWN 141 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2772 DOWN 255 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1781 DOWN 23 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 864 DOWN 9 --------------------------------------------------- |
13150 | BDI mandag 08.06.09 -163 pkt | 8/6 2009 14:37 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3646 DOWN 163 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6523 DOWN 289 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3027 DOWN 225 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1804 DOWN 28 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 873 DOWN 7 -------------------------------------------------- Pa |
13009 | BDI fredag 05.06.09 -284 pkt. | 5/6 2009 14:39 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3809 DOWN 284 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6812 DOWN 749 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3252 DOWN 179 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1832 DOWN 24 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 880 NO CHANGE ----------------------------------------------------- |
12981 | Mæglerus løfter kursmål /GOGL 8,50 / JIN 20,00 | 5/6 2009 10:09 | fcras | 0 |
: Meglerhus hever både anbefaling og kursmål på Golden Ocean Group og Jinhui Shipping. Pareto Securities oppgraderer bulkrederiene Golden Ocean Group og Jinhui Shipping fra hold til kjøp, melder TDN Finans. Kursmålet på Golden Ocean heces fra 7 til 8,50 kroner, mens kursmålet på Jinhui jekk |
12928 | BDI torsdag 04.06.09 -198 pkt | 4/6 2009 14:31 | fcras | 2 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4093 DOWN 198 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7561 DOWN 586 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3431 DOWN 74 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1856 DOWN 6 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 880 UP 1 |
12786 | BDI onsdag 03.06.09 + 185 pkt | 3/6 2009 14:20 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4291 UP 185 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 8147 UP 423 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3505 UP 175 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1862 UP 19 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 879 UP 3 |
12722 | BDI tirsdag 02.06.09 +425 pkt | 2/6 2009 14:32 | fcras | 3 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4106 UP 425 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7724 UP 1175 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3330 UP 237 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1843 UP 8 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 876 UP 6 |
12604 | BDI mandag 01.06.09 +187 pkt | 1/6 2009 14:28 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3681 UP 187 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6549 UP 424 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3093 UP 193 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1835 UP 4 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 870 UP 6 |
12406 | BDI fredag 29.05.09 +196 pkt | 29/5 2009 14:17 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3494 UP 196 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 6125 UP 523 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2900 UP 136 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1831 DOWN 1 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 864 DOWN 1 |
12336 | BDI torsdag 28.05.09 +134 pkt | 28/5 2009 14:26 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3298 UP 134 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5602 UP 294 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2764 UP 152 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1832 UP 7 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 865 DOWN 3 |
12231 | BDI onsdag 27.05.09 +222 pkt | 27/5 2009 14:35 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3164 UP 222 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 5308 UP 511 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2612 UP 243 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1825 DOWN 5 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 868 DOWN 3 |
12144 | BDI tirsdag 26.05.09 +156 pkt. | 26/5 2009 14:43 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2942 UP 156 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4797 UP 454 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2369 UP 76 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1830 DOWN 7 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 871 UP 2 |
12033 | BULK - Golden Ocean Q1/09 Rapport | 25/5 2009 11:48 | fcras | 1 |
: Published: 08:23 25.05.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /OSE: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Interim Results for the Quarter ended March 31, 2009 Golden Ocean Group Limited (the "Company" or "Golden Ocean") reports net income of $16.3 million and earnings per share of $0.06 |
11857 | BDI fredag 22.05.09 +79 pkt. | 22/5 2009 14:46 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2786 UP 79 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4343 UP 352 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2293 DOWN 80 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1837 DOWN 17 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 869 UP 7 |
11790 | BDI torsdag 21.05.09 +42 pkt | 21/5 2009 14:20 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2707 UP 42 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3991 UP 224 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2373 DOWN 89 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1854 UP 1 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 862 UP 6 |
11679 | BDI onsdag 20.05.09 +21 pkt | 20/5 2009 14:20 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2665 UP 21 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3767 UP 106 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2462 DOWN 68 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1853 UP 19 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 856 UP 12 |
11550 | BDI tirsdag 19.05.09 +39 pkt | 19/5 2009 14:20 | fcras | 2 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2644 UP 39 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3661 UP 61 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2530 UP 14 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1834 UP 48 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 844 UP 10 |
11430 | BDI mandag 18.05.09 +61 pkt | 18/5 2009 14:25 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2605 UP 61 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3600 UP 119 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2516 UP 42 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1786 UP 32 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 834 UP 11 |
11382 | BULK - Panamax Fixtures ifølge Platou 18.05.09 | 18/5 2009 08:43 | fcras | 0 |
: “Dagens” sluttninger (Fixtures) for Panamax bulkere ifølge Platou, Oslo Baltic Panamax Index (BPI) var fredag 15.05.09 på en snitt rate = 19.783 USD/dagen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panamax Spot Charter p |
11206 | BDI fredag 15.05.09 +112 pkt | 15/5 2009 14:26 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2544 UP 112 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3481 UP 199 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2474 UP 112 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1754 UP 43 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 823 UP 21 |
11123 | BDI torsdag 14.05.09 +100 pkt | 14/5 2009 14:37 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2432 UP 100 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3282 UP 153 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2362 UP 136 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1711 UP 36 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 802 UP 11 |
11038 | BDI onsdag 13.05.09 +79 pkt | 13/5 2009 15:19 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2332 UP 79 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3129 UP 141 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2226 UP 68 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1675 UP 36 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 791 UP 19 |
10908 | BDI tirsdag 12.05.09 +38 pkt | 12/5 2009 14:21 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2253 UP 38 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2988 UP 75 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2158 UP 11 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1639 UP 28 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 772 UP 15 |
10763 | BDI mandag 11.05.09 +1 pkt | 11/5 2009 14:29 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2215 UP 1 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2913 DOWN 50 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2147 UP 3 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1611 UP 42 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 757 UP 10 |
10408 | BULK - 10% of bulkers on order cancelled | 8/5 2009 08:59 | fcras | 1 |
: Written by Perter Clarkson Thursday, 07 May 2009 20:31 The global financial crisis has seen nearly 500 vessels on order at the world's shipyards cancelled, including about 325 bulk carriers, 9.6% of bulk tonnage on order. Norwegian classification society Det Norske Veritas, in its latest |
10274 | BDI +129 torsdag 07.05.09 | 7/5 2009 14:21 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2194 UP 129 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 3046 UP 178 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 2084 UP 189 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1497 UP 49 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 734 UP 19 |
10179 | BDI + 168 pkt onsdag 06.05.09 | 6/5 2009 14:56 | fcras | 1 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2065 UP 168 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2868 UP 340 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 1895 UP 193 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1448 UP 18 BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 715 UP 12 |
10127 | BULK - Stretching Bulkers | 6/5 2009 08:21 | fcras | 2 |
: Written by Perter Clarkson Tuesday, 05 May 2009 23:17 The number of bulk carriers in lay-up or idle at ports around the world fell in April, as a combination of Chinese demand for iron ore and better freight rates saw unemployed ships resume trading. However, while nearly 20 panamax and cap |
10037 | BDI +91 pkt tirsdag 05.05.09 | 5/5 2009 14:26 | fcras | 0 |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 1897 UP 91 BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2528 UP 152 BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 1702 UP 146 BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1430 NO CHANGE BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 703 UP 9 |
9839 | BULK - China key to dry bulk freight rates rebound | 3/5 2009 10:53 | fcras | 1 |
: Written by Perter Clarkson Sunday, 03 May 2009 02:36 Shipowners and operators highlighted increased reliance on China for any sustained rebound in freight rates for the global fleet of bulk carriers, at first quarter earnings conference calls this week. Navios Maritime Partners partly att |
9793 | GOGL - seneste charter-inn panamax | 2/5 2009 10:43 | fcras | 0 |
: GOGL har den senere tid chartered ekstra panamax´er - skibe der pt ikke er med på fleetlisten http://www.goldenocean.no/fleetlist/ GOGL har været særdeles aktive i markedet i den senere tid og har givet chartered skibe til at løfte en Contract of Affreightment (COA) - Voyagecharter hvor fragtr |
9693 | GOGL - Consolidated Financial Statements 2008 | 1/5 2009 09:09 | fcras | 0 |
: Published: 17:13 30.04.2009 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: Golden Ocean Group /OSE: GOGL /ISIN: BMG4032A1045 GOGL - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 Golden Ocean Group Limited announces the filing of its Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended De |
8602 | Dahlman Rose analyst upgraded Golden Ocean | 23/4 2009 09:58 | fcras | 0 |
A Dahlman Rose analyst upgraded Golden Ocean's stock Wednesday because of the owner's "significantly improved" liquidity. Omar Nokta, who follows shipping stocks for the New York investment bank, raised his rating of the Oslo-listed owner from "sell" to "hold." "Management’s proactive appr |