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QEC: - Utica shale discovery assessed at over 4 Tc

17947 Hegu 1/9 2009 08:26

Calgary, Alberta - Questerre Energy Corporation
("Questerre" or the "Company") (TSX,OSE:QEC)
announced that Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc.,
("NSAI") an independent reservoir engineering firm
based in Texas, has estimated the prospective
original gas in place for the Utica shale in the deep
fairway in the St. Lawrence Lowlands at 150 Bcf per
square mile, which is 66% higher than earlier
industry figures. NSAI has further estimated
Questerre's prospective recoverable resources to
range between 2.2 Tcf - 8.0 Tcf with a best estimate
of 4.28 Tcf, equivalent to 360-1,300 million barrels
of oil equivalent.

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Questerre, commented, "We are very pleased
the report confirms the significance of our discovery
in Quebec. This is the first time we have released
estimates of our Utica gas discovery."

Mr. Binnion further added, "We took time to ensure
there is significant and material technical data to
support them and we have had them independently
verified by a highly reputable engineering firm. The
estimates relate only to our lands that have geology
validated by successful wells. The independent
estimates are materially higher than past industry
figures which we believe reflects the additional
data, technical work and advancement on the learning

The Company commissioned NSAI to complete an
evaluation of the resource potential of the Utica
shale. Utilizing their extensive expertise evaluating
other established and emerging shale plays, the
evaluation includes detailed petrophysical and
geologic analysis including a review of the available
core and lab analysis data. Preliminary results have
been prepared in accordance with the regulations
pursuant to National Instrument 51-101, Standards for
Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities of the Canadian
Securities Administrators.

The evaluation is focused on the acreage between the
two main geological features, the Yamaska growth
fault and Logan's Line, where Questerre holds
approximately 833,000 gross acres in the deep
fairway. Preliminary results include:

· Prospective Original Gas in Place ("OGIP")
volumes for the Utica shale range between 96 Bcf -
210 Bcf per square mile with a best estimate of 150
Bcf per square mile.
· Total prospective OGIP volumes for
Questerre's gross acreage are between a low estimate
of 82.7 Tcf to a high estimate of 180.5 Tcf with a
best estimate of 129.2 Tcf
· Prospective resources estimated to be
recoverable for Questerre's interest range from 2.18
Tcf to 8.0 Tcf with a best estimate of 4.28 Tcf.

1/9 2009 08:34 Hegu 017948

66 % mere gas end først antaget. Kursen burde eksplodere på baggrund af disse opsysninger.

Med venlig hilsen


1/9 2009 08:41 Hegu 017949

Endnu bedre:

"The estimates do not include the gross overriding
royalty held by Questerre nor an assessment of the
shallower Lorraine interval."

Med venlig hilsen


1/9 2009 09:08 Hegu 017950

1/9 2009 09:33 collersteen 017951

Præsentationen til brug i eftermiddag (kl.16) er også lagt op:

Personligt kan jeg rigtig godt lide side 15.... og jeg håber at den learning curve kan fortsættes. Så bliver det vildt.

Præsentationen kan iøvrigt følges her:

1/9 2009 09:38 Hegu 017952

Tak for linket.

Det er næsten ikke til at fatte dette her.

med venlig hilsen


1/9 2009 18:29 MrWater 017979

Undertegnede er nu aktionær i Questerre:−)

Jeg må erkende, at jeg hidtil har holdt mig fra aktien, da Binnion ofte har fremstået (i min optik) som en 'hypper'. Verificeringen fra eksternt hold beviser, at Binnion ikke har pustet dette kunstigt op og det er da glædeligt.

Det bliver rigtig sjovt i 2011, hvis vi da ellers får lov til at beholde vores aktier så længe...Binnion luftede åbenlyst muligheden for et salg inden da - og bejlere skal der nok være.

2/9 2009 10:02 Hegu 017999

2/9 2009 13:14 Hegu 018018

HOLMENKOLLEN (SIX): Det Calgary-baserte energiselskapet
Questerre Energy har planer for to horisontale pilot brønner i
Quebec, pilotprosjektet vil foregå i 2009 og 2010. Kommersiell
utvikling av prosjektet vil foregå i 2010 og 2011, og
optimalisering vil skje i 2011. Det sier President og
administrerende direktør Michael Binnion I Questerre på Paretos
olje- og offshorekonferanse på Holmenkollen Park.

Tirsdag meldte selskapet at reservoaringeniørselskapet,
Netherland, Swell & Associates (NSA), har estimert at mengden
gass i skiferlaget på St. Lawrence Lowlands i Quebec til 150
milliarder kubikkfot per kvadrat mile, det vil si 66 prosent
høyere enn tidligere industritall.

SIX News
Nina Skalleberg Christiansen
[email protected]
Mobil: +47 959 16 68

1/9 2009 23:17 Hegu 017989

3/9 2009 23:36 Tour67 018113

Prøv at se denne:

Det giver ny næring til spekulationerne om en overtagelse. Det er vel heller ikke dumt at slå til mens markedet stadig er lidt surt og priserne relativt lave!

10/9 2009 10:38 collersteen 018401

Det er måske dette der presser Questerre lidt her fra morgenstunden.
Ikke noget alarmerende hvis man skal tro udmeldingen om skattesalg.
Det vælger jeg at gøre - naiv som jeg er.

9/10/2009 08:16:57 - Oslo SE, News
QEC: Mandatory notification of trade

Rick Tityk has sold 35,000 shares of Questerre Energy
@ $2.05 $2.14 on Wednesday September 9, 2009.

The sale was for tax purposes.
Total shares remaining are 65,000.

11/9 2009 09:30 Hegu 018445

Det positive flow forsætter. Talismans præsentation:

Quebec på side 14.

Med venlig hilsen


11/9 2009 14:02 Hegu 118452

fra Pareto's morgenkommentar 11/9-2009

"14% recovery in natural gas to $3.26/mcf after weekly inventory figures showed an increase of 69 bcf vs consensus expectation 72 bcf
Conclusion: BUY QEC, NEC on recovery in natural gas"

11/9 2009 14:24 Hegu 018453